Data Submissions have been closed for 2024.
Data submissions for the calendar year 2023 (i.e., data as of January 1, 2024) are due on June 30, 2024.
We collect two data types for academic departments and non-academic organizations (i.e., corporate, agency, nonprofits, etc.). Communication functions representing an educational institution should use the non-academic organization’s link.
Download our 2022 Race and Ethnicity in PR and Communications Benchmark Report
Our 2022 Race and Ethnicity in Public Relations benchmark report with 19,000+ employees represented
Diversity Action Alliance Race and Ethnicity in Public Relations and Communications Benchmark Reports
What kind of data will be collected?
The DAA is collecting specific demographic numbers similar to those found in organizations’ annual D&I reports. The DAA may expand data collection in the future. Questions include:
What is the ethnicity/race composition of the communication function or agency, and what is their level (manager, non-manager, VP, and above)?
What is the ethnicity/race composition of the communication function or agency professionals who are promoted annually?
What is the organization type, size, industry, geography, and annual revenue?
When will the data be collected?
When organizations sign the commitment, we request that they provide within 60 days the number of employees with a breakdown by ethnicity/race as of January 1 of that year, and how many employees with the same breakdown they promoted during the previous year. Every January, we will ask for the same data. Please note that if an organization is not collecting the data requested by the DAA that the organization will begin collection when the commitment is signed.
Why is this data important?
Benchmarking and tracking diversity rates will provide the DAA with critical insights into key opportunity areas and the effectiveness of our diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies. Furthermore, by sharing data, organizations are helping DAA create objectives to support our goal of reflecting the diversity in the United States by 2025. We realize that some organizations are more advanced than others on this journey, and their department may not be where they want it to be, but these benchmarks are essential for accountability and progress.
How secure is the data reporting tool?
To ensure security and confidentiality, data will only be presented as aggregated scores rather than individual summaries. Data will be used to set benchmarks and track progress toward goals in the public relations industry. Individual organizations will not be identified publicly by name or by description in any way, nor will DAA share your data with any other party.
The collected data will be kept on a secured platform for data privacy and security that is ISO 27001 certified, GDPR, and HIPAA Compliant. Details about the security of the platform can be found here.
How do I collect the data?
Under the reference links section above, please review the How to Collect Data for the DAA Reporting Tool. We also provide a sample survey here for reference.
If you have any questions about the data collection, please contact anyone on the DAA staff or Anetra Henry, Sr. Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Institute for Public Relations, at