JUNE 28, 2023 | 6 PM | GOTHAM HALL NYC





Diversity • Equity • Inclusion • Impact •

We have an elevated responsibility to be stewards of a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future for our industry and beyond. Although making progress, underrepresented racial and ethnic groups continue to face discrimination and unfair barriers at work. The role of the communicator is now elevated as the underpinning of our businesses rests on our counsel and example to authentically address the issues impacting the most marginalized communities in word and deed. With the power to change hearts, minds, attitudes, and behaviors, we must first be exemplars of what is possible together.

You don’t have true freedom until you allow a diversity of opinion and a diversity of voices.
— Don Lemon

About the Annual Gala

The DAA’s Annual Diversity Gala took place on June 28, 2023. The event highlights and celebrates standout change-makers and thought leaders, shares real stories from our industry peers, and inspires with expert perspectives on advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, impact, and justice in our workplaces.

We recognized some of the best-in-class diversity efforts across the public relations and communication field to inspire greater progress.

A smilling Carmella Glover on the left and Azuree Montoute-Lewis on the right with her 2023 DEI Champion - Industry Legend crystal trophy

Azurée Montoute-Lewis (right), 2023 DEI Champion -Industry Legend honoree Carmella Glover (left), President DAA

Our 2023 Diversity Honorees

Congratulations to all of our 2023 Honoree Finalists!